“…Rearranging the state of family wealth with a single point of contact…”
The state of family wealth, especially for large families with sizeable assets, often appears to be complex or difficult to manage. Essentia serves as a single point of reference, offering services for their client’s needs in different areas such as accounting, legal and fiduciary advice, taxation and corporate issues, supervising and controlling multiple banking relationships.
Essentia tailor makes the entire strategic planning and not merely limits itself to an executive role. The added advantage for the customer resides in having the possibility to communicate and entrust a single independent point of reference to administer, enhance and protect the family wealth across future generations.
“…A deep and lasting relationship…”
The company brings its own intellectual and rational contribution to its advisory service, just as a craftsman puts all of his passion into his work. Essentia's activity and contribution develops over a long period of time, requiring periodic reassessment of the facts. For this reason, Essentia is a meticulous partner who is committed to establishing a deep and lasting relationship with each of its clients.
Essentia's operating environment is sensitive in two reciprocal ways depending on whether it intervenes on the asset front (therefore financial) or on the family front (therefore emotional).
Responsibility, discipline and integrity are the three core values that guide Essentia and allow it to apply order in planning very lengthy and complex operations in detail and conducting its business with full respect for professional ethics. Dedication and discretion are the features that characterize Essentia's approach to the client.